Silakan membacanya dengan santai dan rileks... Anda akan menemukan diri Anda sendiri... Dalai Lama berkata, "Bacalah dan lihat apakah ini sesuai untukmu." Sangat menarik. Hanya 4 (empat) pertanyaan dan jawabannya akan mengejutkan! Jangan curang dengan mengintip terlebih dahulu jawabannya. Buat otak kita terbuka. Sangat menyenangkan untuk dilakukan, tapi Anda harus mengikuti instruksinya secara perlahan-lahan. Ucapkan keinginan Anda sebelum memulai tes!
Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan pilihan hati Anda sendiri.
Hanya terdapat 4 pertanyaan dan jika Anda mengintip semua sebelum Anda menyelesaikannya, Anda tidak akan mendapat jawaban yang jujur mengenai diri Anda.
Arahkan ke bawah secara perlahan, jawablah semua tes secara berurutan sebelum menjawab jawaban yang di atasnya.
Gunakan pensil dan kertas untuk menulis jawaban Anda! Anda akan memerlukannya pada saat ingin mengetahui jawaban yang jujur tentang Anda. Semua jawaban akan menceritakan banyak hal tentang Anda sendiri.
Jangan takut, ini hanya tes personality Dalai Lama ... ;)
Ingat tulis jawabannya dengan pensil dan kertas yang sudah Anda sediakan.
Pertanyaan #1
Urutkan lima hewan di bawah ini yang menurut Anda bisa mewakili diri Anda (semua harus dipilih namun diurut berdasarkan prioritas pilihan).
a. Sapi/Cow
b. Macan/Tiger
c. Kambing/Sheep
d. Kuda/Horse
e. Babi/Pig
Pertanyaan #2
Tuliskan kalimat yang menjelaskan tentang hal dibawah ini menurut Anda
(Contoh: Hujan ==> Kalimat yang ada dibenak saya adalah: Menyegarkan dan penuh berkah)
Pertanyaan #3
Pikirkan seseorang yang juga mengenal Anda dan memiliki arti penting buat Anda. Dimana Anda bisa menghubungkannya dengan warna di bawah ini. Jika mendengar warna di bawah ini, siapa orang yang langsung teringat bagi Anda (Jangan mengulang jawabannya, jawaban pertama Anda adalah yang digunakan).
Masing-masing warna dijawab hanya dengan menyebut satu nama orang atau teman dekat yang memiliki arti.
1. Kuning/Yellow
2. Oranye/Orange
3. Merah/Red
4. Putih/White
5. Hijau/Green
Selanjutnya Tuliskan Angka favorit Anda dan hari favorit Anda. Ucapkan keinginan yang benar-benar Anda inginkan! Lihat jawaban dari pertanyaan Anda di bawah ini.
(Sebelumnya ucapkan sekali lagi keinginan Anda)
Pertanyaan # 1:
Hal ini akan menjawab prioritas hidup Anda, mana yang diutamakan:
Sapi/Cow berarti Karir
Macan/tiger berarti Harga Diri
Kambing/Sheep berarti Cinta
Kuda/Horse berarti Keluarga
Babi/Pig berarti Uang/Kekayaan
Pertanyaan #2:
Deskripsi Anda tentang
Anjing/Dog merupakan gambaran DIRI Anda SENDIRI
Deskripsi Anda tentang Kucing/Cat merupakan gambaran Sifat Pasangan Anda
Deskripsi Anda tentang Tikus/Rat merupakan gambaran Sifat Musuh Anda
Deskripsi Anda tentang Kopi/Coffe merupakan jawaban Anda jika ditanya Makna Seks..
Deskripsi Anda tentang Laut/Sea merupakan gambaran kehidupan diri
Anda sendiri
Pertanyaan #3:
Kuning/Yellow adalah seseorang yang tidak akan pernah Anda lupakan.
Oranye/Orange adalah seseorang yang Anda anggap sebagai sahabat sejati Anda.
Merah/Red adalah seseorang yang sangat Anda cintai!
Putih/White adalah Seseorang yang hatinya merupakan kembaran hati
Anda/Your Twin Soul
Hijau/Green adalah seseorang yang akan kamu ingat untuk selama-lamanya
Pertanyaan #4:
Anda harus mengajak teman anda untuk membaca artikel ini sebanyak angka favorit Anda dan keinginan anda akan tercapai pada hari favorit anda.
Ini yang Dalai lama telah katakan tentang Abad Milennium. Sisihkan sedikit waktu Anda untuk membaca dan menghayatinya.
Ingatlah selalu situs ini, jangan anda lupakan.
Mantra akan keluar dari tangan Anda dalam 96 jam kemudian. Anda akan mendapati sesuatu kejutan yang sangat menyenangkan. Ini jujur. Bahkan jika Anda bukan seorang paranormal.
Tolong lakukan. Ini sangat menarik
0-4 orang -- Kehidupanmu akan sedikit membaik
5-9 orang -- Kehidupanmu akan membaik sesuai keinginanmu
9-14 orang -- Kehidupanmu akan menemukan paling sedikit kejutan menyenangkan dalam 3 minggu kedepan
Lebih dari 15 orang -- Kehidupanmu akan membaik secara drastis.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Apakah Anda ingin punya Bisnis atau Penghasilan Tambahan tapi Tidak Punya Modal atau Takut Rugi?
“Mulai Sekarang, Saya akan Membantu Anda Memiliki Penghasilan Rp5.314.320 per Bulan Bahkan Lebih...
Dengan Modal Rp0 & Tanpa Risiko!!“
Jika Anda memiliki Handphone dan sedikit kemauan, sebenarnya Anda sudah memiliki syarat yang cukup untuk mendapatkan tambahan penghasilan jutaan rupiah dengan modal kecil bahkan Rp 0,-
Berapa anggaran yang harus Anda keluarkan setiap bulan untuk kebutuhan mengisi pulsa HP Anda? Tentunya tiap orang tidak sama, tapi rata-rata Rp70.000 – Rp100.000 per bulan. Saat ini, pulsa sudah menjadi kebutuhan pokok bagi setiap pengguna HP dan merupakan sumber pengeluaran rutin tiap bulannya.
Jika Anda mau sedikit lebih jeli dalam menangkap sebuah peluang, Anda bisa menjadikan HP Anda bukan lagi sebagai Beban Pengeluaran, tetapi sebagai Sumber Penghasilan bagi Anda.
Selanjutnya, Saya Akan INFORMASIKAN Kepada Anda Bagaimana Mengubah HP Anda Menjadi Mesin Penghasil Uang!
Tidak Ada Biaya Pendaftaran atau Iuran Apapun (100% GRATIS!!)
Harga Pulsa rata-rata SAMA dengan Harga Pasar
Repeat Order TINGGI, Karena Produk Sudah Umum Dipakai
Pasar LUAS: Ada Lebih dari 80 Juta Pengguna HP di Indonesia
Bukan Jualan & Tidak Ada Kewajiban Berjualan
Tidak Ada RISIKO RUGI, Karena Tidak Ada Kewajiban Stok Produk
Dijamin MUDAH Menjalankannya,
Terbukti Lebih Banyak yang Tertarik JOIN Dibandingkan dengan Bisnis yang Lain!!
Model bisnis yang menggunakan sistem member get member, untuk membangun jaringan pemakai. Viral Marketing adalah sistem pemasaran yang telah digunakan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan besar di dunia, seperti Amazone.com, dll.
Dan kini, Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk memanfaatkan peluang di bisnis ini bagi peningkatan finansial Anda!!
Bukan MLM: karena tidak ada sistem peringkat, tidak ada biaya pendaftaran, tidak perlu/tidak harus seimbang, tidak ada kewajiban hadir di pertemuan/seminar, dll.
Bukan Money Game: karena tidak ada biaya pendaftaran & tidak ada mark-up harga yang berlebihan (harga standar: sama dengan harga pasar)!
Salah seorang member DYNASIS yang hanya dalam waktu 6 bulan telah dapat mencapai bonus yang sangat signifikan.
Caranya Bagaimana?
Konsepnya sederhana:
Anda hanya MENGUBAH CARA BELANJA pulsa melalui DYNASIS dengan Harga Standar, kemudian Anda mereferensikan (mengajak) teman-teman dan keluarga Anda untuk beli pulsa dengan cara yang sama. Tanpa harus berjualan, Anda akan mendapatkan komisi dari setiap Transaksi pengisian pulsa yang dilakukan oleh jaringan Anda setiap bulan, selamanya.
Syaratnya Hanya 2:
Anda harus punya HP.
Melakukan pengisian pulsa minimal 1 kali dalam 1 bulan, dengan nominal pulsa bebas.
Samasekali tidak berat, bukan?
Tell Your Friend (TYF) Reward Program
Program pembagian keuntungan (profit sharing) berupa bonus setiap bulan yang diberikan kepada Anda sebagai kompensasi atas usaha Anda yang telah memperkenalkan bisnis ini kepada relasi-relasi Anda. Bonus tersebut dihitung dari setiap Transaksi pengisian pulsa yang dilakukan oleh Anda beserta jaringan Anda.
Keuntungan dari setiap transaksi penjualan pulsa oleh DYNASIS (BV) dibagi:
70% untuk member dan 30% untuk perusahaan.
BV (Business Value): margin keuntungan antara Harga Pulsa dengan HPP (Harga Pokok Pembelian). Misalnya Harga Pulsa Mentari 20.000 adalah Rp21.000; HPP Rp20.000, maka BV atau margin keuntungannya adalah Rp1.000. BV berbeda-beda untuk setiap Operator Selular dan untuk setiap nominal pulsa.
Trx Pemakaian Pribadi: transaksi (pengisian pulsa) yang dilakukan oleh HP Anda. Anda (Level-0) akan mendapatkan cash back sebesar 10% x BV dari setiap Trx Pemakaian Pribadi Anda (dimasukkan ke dalam bonus bulanan).
Trx Pemakaian Member: transaksi yang dilakukan oleh setiap member di jaringan Anda. Anda akan mendapatkan bonus sebesar 6% x BV dari setiap Trx Pemakaian Member sampai kedalaman Level-10 efektif (compressed system). Dengan demikian, Anda tidak akan mendapatkan bonus dari setiap Trx di Level-11 dst.
Level-1 (Frontline): semua member yang Anda sponsori langsung, atau posisinya di bawah Anda langsung. Jumlah member di Level-1 tidak dibatasi (unilevel; sistem matahari). Anda akan mendapatkan 6% x BV dari setiap Trx yang dilakukan oleh setiap Level-1 Anda setiap bulan.
Level-2: semua member yang disponsori oleh Level-1 Anda, atau posisinya di bawah Level-1 Anda langsung. Anda akan mendapatkan 6% BV dari setiap Trx yang dilakukan oleh setiap Level-2 Anda setiap bulan. Demikian seterusnya untuk level-level berikutnya.
Perhatikan contoh dibawah ini bagaimana anda bisa menghasilkan UANG dengan jumlah TAK TERBATAS!
Contoh 1: Mengajak 3 Orang Teman
Bulan pertama Anda hanya merekrut 3 orang, selanjutnya tidak merekrut lagi.
Jaringan member Anda juga melakukan hal yang sama (terduplikasi sempurna) sampai Level-10.
Setiap member hanya melakukan 1 kali Trx/bulan, dengan nominal sebesar Rp10.000/orang.
BV (Business Value) sebesar Rp1.000/Trx.
Bonus Trx Level-1 s/d Level-10 (6% BV) = Rp60.
Bonus Trx Level-0 (pemakaian pribadi) diabaikan.
Level Jumlah Member Bonus (Rp)/trx Bonus (Rp)/bln
1 3 60 180
2 9 60 540
3 27 60 1.620
4 81 60 4.860
5 243 60 14.580
6 729 60 43.740
7 2.187 60 131.220
8 6.561 60 393.660
9 19.683 60 1.180.980
10 59.049 60 3.542.940
Total 88.572 60 5.314.320
Maka bonus Anda pada bulan ke-10 adalah Rp 5.314.320/bulan
Contoh 1: Mengajak 5 Orang Teman
Bulan pertama Anda hanya merekrut 5 orang, selanjutnya tidak merekrut lagi.
Jaringan member Anda juga melakukan hal yang sama (terduplikasi sempurna) sampai Level-10.
Setiap member hanya melakukan 1 kali Trx/bulan, dengan nominal sebesar Rp10.000/orang.
BV (Business Value) sebesar Rp1.000/Trx.
Bonus Trx Level-1 s/d Level-10 (6% BV) = Rp60.
Bonus Trx Level-0 (pemakaian pribadi) diabaikan.
Level Jumlah Member Bonus (Rp)/trx Bonus (Rp)/bln
1 5 60 300
2 25 60 1.500
3 125 60 7.500
4 625 60 37.500
5 3.125 60 187.500
6 15.625 60 937.500
7 78.125 60 4.687.500
8 390.625 60 23.437.500
9 1.953.125 60 117.187.500
10 9.765.625 60 585.937.500
Total 12.207.030 60 732.421.800
Maka bonus Anda pada bulan ke-10 adalah Rp 5732.421.800/bulan
Perlu diingat, kenyataanya pemakaian pulsa setiap orang per bulan pasti lebih dari Rp 10.000,-. Maka penghasilan bulanan anda juga bisa berlipat-lipat!
Cara Mendaftar Menjadi Member DYNASIS
Silakan Anda mengirimkan SMS kepada referral (calon sponsor) Anda, dalam hal ini adalah saya (Aisa Dynda Mayshwarya), dengan format SMS sbb:
Reg.08123456789.Aisa Dynda Mayshwarya.BCA.4370631323
Jika tidak memiliki rekening bank:
Reg.08123456789.Aisa Dynda Mayshwarya.-.-
Kirim SMS Anda ke: 081905015727
Pendaftaran di DYNASIS tidak bisa dilakukan sendiri, tetapi harus melalui referral (orang yang memperkenalkan usaha ini kepada Anda).
Karena proses registrasi hanya bisa dilakukan melalui No.HP yang sudah terdaftar sebagai Member DYNASIS.
No. Rekening Bank Anda akan dirahasiakan (tidak dipublikasikan) demi menjaga keamanan dan privacy Anda.
Rekening bank diperlukan untuk transfer bonus Anda oleh DYNASIS.
Jika Anda masih bingung, jangan ragu-ragu untuk bertanya kepada saya di No.HP:081905015727 (bisa via SMS).
Setelah terdaftar menjadi Member DYNASIS, Anda akan menerima SMS dari DYNASIS yang menyatakan bahwa No.HP Anda sudah terdaftar, dan Anda akan mendapatkan No.ID & PIN Anda.
Catat & simpan No.ID & PIN Anda jangan sampai hilang atau lupa!
No.ID & PIN tsb akan Anda butuhkan untuk keperluan:
Menggunakan Menu Layanan SMS di DYNASIS (Transaksi pengisian pulsa, registrasi member, pembelian deposit, cek jaringan, dll).
Akses (masuk) ke Member Area di web www.dynasis.net
Di bagian Member Area, terdapat Menu: profil Anda, database jaringan Anda, pertambahan member di jaringan Anda berdasarkan tanggal, & download Buku Manual DYNASIS*.
Bonus bagi Member Baru
Sebagai member baru, secara otomatis Anda juga akan mendapatkan:
Bonus deposit Rp500 dari DYNASIS, GRATIS untuk Anda!!
Web Replika Pribadi dari DYNASIS, GRATIS tanpa dipungut biaya apa pun!!
Anda bisa menggunakan Web Replika DYNASIS (web seperti yang sedang Anda baca ini) untuk sarana promosi online. Anda juga bisa menggunakannya untuk menawarkan (mempresentasikan) usaha ini kepada rekan-rekan Anda yang di luar kota. Anda tinggal menginformasikan alamat (URL) Web Replika Pribadi milik Anda, via telepon atau SMS, kepada mereka dan minta mereka untuk mempelajarinya. Mudah, bukan?
*Buku Manual DYNASIS:
Berisi panduan lengkap tentang Konsep & Paradigma bisnis Viral Marketing, serta petunjuk teknis tentang Cara Menggunakan Menu Layanan SMS DYNASIS secara detail. GRATIS!! GRATIS!! GRATIS!!
Anda bisa menggunakan buku tsb untuk proses edukasi ke jaringan member Anda, sehingga Anda tidak perlu capek-capek menjelaskan secara detail setiap teknis penggunaan Menu Layanan SMS DYNASIS kepada setiap orang. Tinggal Anda duplikasikan saja! Sangat praktis, bukan?
Transaksi – Pengisian Pulsa (Trx)
Pengisian pulsa (Trx) di DYNASIS bisa dilakukan kapan saja dan di mana saja (24 jam). Anda tinggal mengirimkan SMS melalui HP Anda ke No.SMS Center DYNASIS, dengan format SMS seperti dalam brosur. Trx atau pengisian pulsa dapat dilakukan ke No.HP Anda sendiri, atau ke No.HP orang lain, baik member ataupun nonmember DYNASIS (Anda sudah dihitung melakukan Trx – pengisian pulsa).
Agar dapat melakukan pengisian pulsa, terlebih dahulu Anda harus memiliki deposit di DYNASIS, minimal sebesar Harga Pulsa yang akan Anda isikan.
Cara Pembelian Deposit
Anda bisa menggunakan salah satu dari 3 cara berikut:
Transfer via bank ke rekening DYNASIS. Prosedur & teknisnya bisa Anda pelajari di brosur & Buku Manual DYNASIS.
Beli deposit ke sponsor/upline Anda. Hal ini memungkinkan untuk pengembangan offline, tidak dianjurkan untuk pengembangan online!
Beli deposit cash ke Kantor DYNASIS di kota Malang, atau Galery Service yang ditunjuk.
Untuk mempelajari lebih jauh tentang teknis penggunaan Menu Layanan SMS DYNASIS, silakan Anda download Brosur & Daftar Harga Pulsa.
Ambil Keputusan... Bergabunglah Sekarang Juga!!
Jangan Sia-siakan Kesempatan Emas Ini!!.
Kalaupun Nanti Anda Gagal, Toh Anda Tidak akan Kehilangan Apa-apa!.
Ketik SMS dengan format:
Reg.08123456789.Aisa Dynda Mayshwarya.BCA.4370631323
Kirim SMS Anda ke: 081905015727
Ada lebih dari 60 juta pengguna HP di Indonesia (data tahun 2006) yang menunggu untuk Anda perkenalkan usaha ini. Dan Anda bisa memulai dari keluarga & teman-teman terdekat Anda. Ingat, perkembangan jaringan member DYNASIS sangat cepat! Sangat mungkin jika keluarga & teman-teman Anda keburu disponsori oleh orang lain! Jadi, kenapa bukan Anda yang mensponsori mereka??
Tidak ada paksaan untuk bergabung di bisnis ini! Tidak ada seorang pun yang berhak memaksa Anda! Keputusan hidup Anda ada di tangan Anda! Dan saya percaya, Anda cukup bijak & cerdas dalam memilih sebuah peluang!
Jika anda menginginkan berkonsultasi lebih lanjut, jangan ragu - ragu untuk menghubungi saya.
Hormat Saya,
Aisa Dynda Mayshwarya
HP: 081905015727
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Civil War Threatens Sudan, Again
It may have lasted lasted 22 years, claimed 2 million lives and displaced 4 million people, but Sudan's north-south civil war that ended in 2005 was scarcely noticed in the West. But as the conflict threatens to resume, it could wreak havoc with U.S. and international efforts to stabilize the region.
To many observers, the city of Abyei, on the fault-line between North and South Sudan, is the key to the country's future. On May 14, it exploded. What appeared to have been a small incident between rival militias on its outskirts quickly escalated into full-scale fighting, and there was little a small band of U.N. peacekeepers could do to contain it.
"We're seeing a full frontal and rear assault," a peacekeeper screamed into his radio as white U.N. helicopters dropped down into their base in the town and whisked civilians and other aid workers out. Mortar, artillery and rocket exchanges flattened much of the market town over the next few days. As 60,000 civilians fled into the bush, others darted into their mud huts to retrieve assault rifles and join the fighting. By its end several days later, much of Abyei was a smoldering ruin. Fighters continued to loot and torch thatched huts in rival areas. The northern army said 21 of its men had been killed. The southerners refused to give a death toll, but the bodies of several of their guerrillas lay in the streets, their boots removed.
The Abyei clash marked the first time that Sudan's northern army and their proxies and the former rebels from the south and their allies —now all part of the same Sudanese government of national unity — had turned their guns on each other since they signed a U.S.-brokered peace deal three years ago. Still, north-south enmity runs deep, and the new fighting has pushed the region back to the edge. "We are on the brink of a new war," was the assessment of Pagan Amum, secretary-general of the southern Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM). Tensions have been building for months. In a report on the region in March, the International Crisis Group (ICG) warned the situation "could quickly become national... It is uncertain whether the SPLM-NCP [National Congress Party, which dominates the north] partnership could survive a scenario in which the two parties supported their respective Abyei allies."
The history of animosity between the north and south stretches back centuries. The north — generally Arab nomads descended from kingdoms around the Nile — have repeatedly tried to subjugate the mixed Arab and African cattle herders and pastoralists of the south. In colonial times, the British administered north and south Sudan separately, although they united the two sides just before independence. Southern frustration at the perceived northern domination of the post-colonial government in Khartoum spilled over quickly into the First Sudanese civil war, which lasted from 1955 to 1972. Whereas then the hostility focused on land and water — southern Sudan has more water than the north, on the edges of the Sahara — today that has been reinforced by oil. The ICG says 70% of Sudan's oil reserves also lie in the south. Much of the 500,000 barrels of crude exported every day from Sudan is pumped from Abyei. The south, whose various leaders agitate either for independence or at least meaningful autonomy, complain they see little gain from the wealth under their soil. One Western diplomat estimates oil has earned the south $3.5 billion since 2005, a sum that could be expected to discourage the north from letting go of the south.
Added to such southern grievances are continuing disputes over the precise demarcation of the internal federal border between north and south under the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). In particular, both sides claim Abyei. The north has also been slow to withdraw troops from the south, and suspicions are that it will drag its feet over a referendum, promised by the CPA and due for 2011, in which the south can vote for secession and independence. Complicating the situation is tribal local rivalry in the area, which both sides try to exploit to their advantage.
Meanwhile, civilian suffering continues, largely unnoticed by the world. Aid workers must contend with a relative lack of interest in south Sudan, which festers in the shadow of Sudan's other ethnic war, Darfur. Asked how bad the situation was in south Sudan, senior U.N. official Simon Strachan replied: "In south Sudan, women are eight times more likely to die in childbirth than they are of finishing primary school."
Monday, June 2, 2008
Civil War Threatens Sudan, Again
It may have lasted lasted 22 years, claimed 2 million lives and displaced 4 million people, but Sudan's north-south civil war that ended in 2005 was scarcely noticed in the West. But as the conflict threatens to resume, it could wreak havoc with U.S. and international efforts to stabilize the region.To many observers, the city of Abyei, on the fault-line between North and South Sudan, is the key to the country's future. On May 14, it exploded. What appeared to have been a small incident between rival militias on its outskirts quickly escalated into full-scale fighting, and there was little a small band of U.N. peacekeepers could do to contain it.
"We're seeing a full frontal and rear assault," a peacekeeper screamed into his radio as white U.N. helicopters dropped down into their base in the town and whisked civilians and other aid workers out. Mortar, artillery and rocket exchanges flattened much of the market town over the next few days. As 60,000 civilians fled into the bush, others darted into their mud huts to retrieve assault rifles and join the fighting. By its end several days later, much of Abyei was a smoldering ruin. Fighters continued to loot and torch thatched huts in rival areas. The northern army said 21 of its men had been killed. The southerners refused to give a death toll, but the bodies of several of their guerrillas lay in the streets, their boots removed.
The Abyei clash marked the first time that Sudan's northern army and their proxies and the former rebels from the south and their allies —now all part of the same Sudanese government of national unity — had turned their guns on each other since they signed a U.S.-brokered peace deal three years ago. Still, north-south enmity runs deep, and the new fighting has pushed the region back to the edge. "We are on the brink of a new war," was the assessment of Pagan Amum, secretary-general of the southern Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM). Tensions have been building for months. In a report on the region in March, the International Crisis Group (ICG) warned the situation "could quickly become national... It is uncertain whether the SPLM-NCP [National Congress Party, which dominates the north] partnership could survive a scenario in which the two parties supported their respective Abyei allies."
The history of animosity between the north and south stretches back centuries. The north — generally Arab nomads descended from kingdoms around the Nile — have repeatedly tried to subjugate the mixed Arab and African cattle herders and pastoralists of the south. In colonial times, the British administered north and south Sudan separately, although they united the two sides just before independence. Southern frustration at the perceived northern domination of the post-colonial government in Khartoum spilled over quickly into the First Sudanese civil war, which lasted from 1955 to 1972. Whereas then the hostility focused on land and water — southern Sudan has more water than the north, on the edges of the Sahara — today that has been reinforced by oil. The ICG says 70% of Sudan's oil reserves also lie in the south. Much of the 500,000 barrels of crude exported every day from Sudan is pumped from Abyei. The south, whose various leaders agitate either for independence or at least meaningful autonomy, complain they see little gain from the wealth under their soil. One Western diplomat estimates oil has earned the south $3.5 billion since 2005, a sum that could be expected to discourage the north from letting go of the south.
Added to such southern grievances are continuing disputes over the precise demarcation of the internal federal border between north and south under the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). In particular, both sides claim Abyei. The north has also been slow to withdraw troops from the south, and suspicions are that it will drag its feet over a referendum, promised by the CPA and due for 2011, in which the south can vote for secession and independence. Complicating the situation is tribal local rivalry in the area, which both sides try to exploit to their advantage.
Meanwhile, civilian suffering continues, largely unnoticed by the world. Aid workers must contend with a relative lack of interest in south Sudan, which festers in the shadow of Sudan's other ethnic war, Darfur. Asked how bad the situation was in south Sudan, senior U.N. official Simon Strachan replied: "In south Sudan, women are eight times more likely to die in childbirth than they are of finishing primary school."
Sunday, June 1, 2008
After the Speeches, More Pessimism
Last week's gloomy reports on U.S. progress in Iraq from a panel of retired officers and from the Government Accountability Office were followed by sunnier assessments by General David Petraeus. The commander of U.S. forces in Iraq spent nearly 18 hours testifying before four congressional panels on the start-and-stop advances being made by U.S. troops. And on Thursday night, President Bush told the nation that the progress cited by Petraeus will enable a small drawdown of troops, while still requiring a 130,000-strong U.S. military presence in Iraq for the indefinite future. But by the time the sun rose Friday, dark clouds — in the form of yet another pair of gloomy reports — had again returned to the picture in Iraq.
The latest downbeat assessments are the official White House report, mandated by Congress, on the progress of Iraq's government toward achieving 18 benchmarks set by the U.S. legislature, along with the State Department annual survey of religious freedom around the world. The White House report showed Baghdad improving in only one of the 18 benchmark categories — allowing members of Saddam Hussein's former ruling Ba'athist Party back into the Iraqi government. The religious-freedom report concludes that Iraq's "ongoing insurgency significantly harmed the ability of all religious believers to practice their faith," and found that believers of any stripe are subject to "harassment, intimidation, kidnapping, and killings" in their mosques and elsewhere.
The grim tone of the new studies contrasts starkly with the words of Bush and Petraeus this past week. While the pair acknowledged difficulties ahead, they stressed the 30,000-strong troop surge has made the country less violent and more stable, therefore justifying a continued and substantial U.S. troops presence. "The military objectives of the surge are in large measure being met," Petraeus said. "In the face of tough enemies and the brutal summer heat of Iraq, coalition and Iraqi security forces have achieved progress." President Bush, in his speech, proclaimed "the troop surge is working." Among his evidence was a statistic that carried echoes of Vietnam-era body counts. "Along with the Iraqi forces," he said, "they have captured or killed an average of more than 1,500 enemy fighters per month since January."
The sole benchmark moving from unsatisfactory in July to satisfactory in the latest report is what the White House calls "de-Ba'athification reform." That means, among other things, that more than 45,000 members of the once-banned Ba'athist party have been allowed to return to positions in the Iraqi government and military, or had their pensions restored.
Yet even that bit or progress highlights the continuing problem in Iraq of determining just who the enemies are. Before L. Paul Bremer took the reins of the interim government in Iraq two months after the invasion, then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld urged in a memo that the U.S. occupation administration "eliminate the remnants of Saddam's regime," including the dictator's "old enforcers — the Baath Party, Fedayeen Saddam, etc." Two weeks later, Bremer told Rumsfeld and Bush in a letter that "we must make it clear to everyone that we mean business: that Saddam and the Baathists are finished."
Friday's White House report carried a different message, embracing the Iraq Study Group's "support of re-integration of former Baathists... into civic life." The Bush Administration now "makes de-Baathification reform an integral part of the U.S. government's Iraq strategy" and hails "the re-integration of former Baathists taking place on the ground."
Former Ba'athists, of course, are hardly the only former enemies now being cultivated as friends in Iraq. The U.S. is now cooperating with many one-time Sunni insurgents, whom Rumsfeld famously denounced as "dead-enders," and there's a growing working relationship between the U.S. military and the Shi'ite forces commanded by Moqtada al-Sadr, whose Mahdi army is the most notorious of the Shi'ite militias. It's all part of a gradual redefining of what the Administration really means by success in Iraq.
by John Moore